Hot Chili Apps releases Text Buttons 1.0 for iPhone and iPod touch

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hot Chili Apps has released another new app this month: Text Buttons 1.0. By extending its button edition the company supports iPhones’ individuality and offers even more opportunities to be creative. Good friends and dear relatives will be represented by a customized icon in the address book and by simply hitting it one can get in touch immediately. Phone calls, emails and texts are becoming a lot easier, faster and much more entertaining.

Text Buttons has its very own unique style. It enables the user to add cool and stylish buttons for all the loved ones and any other important contact. Buttons can be created easily by using words and symbols in individual colours; as for example Mum written in pink letters, a red $ for the financial advisor’s telephone number or a blue S to get in touch with the lawyer.

The result is a very personalized speed dial-/mail- and SMS-screen to contact every addressee by one single hit. Like all applications created by Hot Chili Apps it is very easy to use. It does offer appealing designs and is a lot of fun, too. Text Buttons does include a variety of symbols, colours, fonts and shades.

Text Buttons is part of the button series by Hot Chili Apps. Other button apps made by the company are brightening up the display of the iPad/iPhone and iPodtouch, featuring heart-templates or a personally designed photo gallery. Users can choose individual symbols for every contact on the Speed-Dial-Display. The result is a self made and cleaned up home screen where one’s dear mates, good friends, one’s favourite cousins or any other VIP have their very own spot.


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