Apple iPhone, iPad Triggering Memory Shortage

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The latest buzz to have hit the iPhone world is about the probability of iPhone causing memory supply crunch in 2010. This assumption has been fuelled courtesy Apple's iPhone plans this year – where the average iPhone to carry over 35GB of storage after capacity upgrades across the line, or more than the 32GB maximum available today.

Analysts at iSuppli have indicted Apple of creating an industry-wide shortage of NAND flash memory; which is used to store music, video and apps on its Iphone and Ipod. On the other hand Apple would like to increase the iPhone’s storage capacity to 64GB.

The study further reiterates that collectively with an approximate growth of nearly 32 percent in iPhone shipments that is an estimated 33 million, Apple's sheer dominance of NAND flash memory could lead to a major crunch in the rest of 2010


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