Hot on the heels of iTunes releasing Rubble Muddle last week (see Jan 28th 2010) comes the Rubble Muddle LITE mobile game. Developed for iPhone and iPod touch and published by GlobiGames Ltd, this FREE version gives casual gamers a tantalising preview of a brand new family puzzle arcade game. With three unique levels each with 3 difficulty settings, Rubble Muddle LITE contains all the fun of the full version and is a great appetiser before full game play. Based on the popular 2D matrix puzzle genre, the game challenges a player’s reaction and alertness by blasting rocks that pile down the screen to bag precious jewels mixed up in the rubble. A race against the clock, points are gained through rapid touches over blocks of rocks to detonate them. Value of gained points depends on the rock or jewel type and size of cluster removed. Added excitement comes from a range of random visual effects and bonuses that appear throughout the game. Keep an eye out for Rubble Muddle LITE expected to be available on iTunes from February 8th 2010. It is compatible with 2nd generation – OS 3.0 or later.
Also announced today is the update of Rubble Muddle to Version 1.01. This new update is available on iTunes App Store from 3rd February 2010 and adds 4 new levels to each difficulty setting in Rubble Muddle. If the gamer manages to complete all 60 game scenarios, an ultimate finish screen now allows them to log their highest score. Both Rubble Muddle Version 1.01 and LITE are also reduced in size which means they can now be acquired ‘over the air’ (iPhone) or both downloaded from Apple’s iTunes website.
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