Nannek recently released PicoScrum 1.3, their easy-to-use task management application for iPhone and iPod touch. PicoScrum helps users break down projects into short-term intervals called Sprints. Rather than setting arbitrary due dates for each Task, PicoScrum lets users discover realistic end-dates for their Projects based on how much time they actually have available to work on each Project. Armed with this information, users are able to adjust their schedules and prioritize their tasks in whatever ways are necessary to reach their goals.
* Create Projects to hold Tasks
Each Project represents a high-level goal that the user would like to accomplish. This can be anything from “Software Application Development” to “Back Yard Landscaping”.
* Create Tasks within each Project
Each Task holds nothing more than a simple one-line description and an initial estimate, typically in hours of actual work that is required.
* Prioritize the Backlog
The set of all Tasks for a Project is called the Backlog. Tasks can be prioritized through a simple drag-and-drop interface.
* Start Sprinting
As Tasks are added and prioritized, PicoScrum automatically groups them into blocks of time called Sprints. Rather than working against the entire Backlog, a user works to reach easily attainable goals one Sprint at a time.
* Revise As Necessary
While Sprinting, the user is provided with information about their progress. They can use graphical Burndown Charts to see how likely they are to meet their Sprint goal, and they can refer to many useful metrics including a projected end date for the entire Project.
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