Dejal announces Tweeps 2.0 for iPad and iPhone: Manage Twitter Accounts

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dejal Systems, LLC today is pleased to announce Tweeps version 2.0 for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Tweeps is a Twitter companion app. It isn’t a full Twitter client – you can’t post tweets from it. Instead, it is a tool to manage your Twitter account. Edit your name, bio text, website URL and location, plus follow/unfollow people, see if someone follows you, block people, and find people. To celebrate the addition of iPad support, Tweeps is available completely free for a limited time.

Edit Your Account Information – Add multiple accounts to Tweeps, and easily edit them:
* Edit the name displayed for your account.
* Change the biographical text – the description you write about yourself.
* Edit the website URL, previewing it in an integrated web browser.
* Set your current location using the device’s GPS, or type a less specific location, and preview on an integrated map view.


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