Amrita Rao says she is very happy with her new look in the new Sanjay Dutt-Akshaye Khanna starrer Shortkut. "This is the first time that I have gone ultra glam a the role but I had no inhibitions doing it," she says, "I was confident and wanted to do something different. The best of roles have walked my way and I have achieved creative satisfaction with films like Shyam Benegal's Welcome To Sajjanpur and Rajashri's Vivaah. So here I was trying to do something new and different. Not that I have not done glamorous roles earlier but this was the first time that I was literally bold and brash but the film has been shot very aesthetically."
Producer Anil Kapoor has been heaping praise on Amrita recently, comparing her to Madhuri Dixit. "I saw Madhuri (Dixit) in Amrita (Rao)," he confirms, "Not only does she have some resemblance to her, but she also has a similar innocence as well. I had seen Amrita in some portions of Vivaah and was very impressed. I knew then and there that this was it. For someone who looked very Indian, very conservative, and came with the kind of family look that was required for the role, Amrita was the apt choice."
Amrita is known to be very choosy about her roles: "Yes, I can never do a role in which I am not comfortable," she agrees, "But if you give me another item number like Deewar, I am game for it. In fact ‘Marhaba' was beautifully picturised, I believe there is a very thin but distinct line between being sensuous and crass."
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